Welcome to the Thrillerfest V Blog!

We hope you'll bookmark us, just as you bookmark so many of the hundreds of the International Thriller Writers that participate in our annual conference, held in New York City in July.

ITW is a youthful organization, always ready for a new way of looking at things. You'll find that dynamism here, in blog posts from authors, agents, editors and Thrillerfest attendees, past and present.

And that same excitement you feel from your favorite reads is evident in everything ITW does, and no wonder--the organization, staffing and publicity for ThrillerFest--including this new blog--is undertaken by volunteers, most of whom are ITW authors themselves.

So pull up a chair and stay awhile ... discover the latest news on what Thrillerfest V--the fifth anniversary of the conference--has to offer. Visit old friends, make new ones, ask questions, and hear about the remarkable things in store for the conference.

Whether or not you can come see us in New York--and we hope that you can!--please join us here. It's gonna be ... a thriller!

Kelli Stanley, Thrillerfest Publicity Committee Chair

Thrillerfest Publicity Committee:
Jeannie Holmes
CJ Lyons
Carla Buckley
Grant McKenzie

Monday, March 15, 2010

Book, Booking, Booked...for ThrillerFest!

I know it seems ThrillerFest is far away. July seems far off as I look out my window and see gray skies. I still have BEA to prepare for and about 3 other conventions before ThrillerFest gets here, but I know from experience that it is best to think ahead.

I keep looking at the list of authors who will be attending. Some are my clients and I know I want to touch base with them. Some are dear friends and some of them I am a total fan-girl for and plan on getting autographs and sneaking in some pictures I can brag about later of course! lol

I have paid my registration, put together books I want to bring to have signed and am now booking my flight. I don't know if I will fly or take the train. That's what I'm looking into right now. By July I could actually drive to New York, but I don't want to have to drive IN New York if you know what I mean. lol

I'm still putting together a list of workshops I want to take and meetings I hope to make, but I know that if I wait until the last minute I won't be able to enjoy my experience as much. I like to plan ahead and relax while I'm there.

I am going to sign up for the big dinner at the end too. I know it's a little more money, but I went last year and it was so very worth it! It was one of the highlights of my experience. If you can do it, splurge a little. The food is great, the presentation is fun, entertaining and awe-inspiring. You won't regret it!

Be sure to check out the website often to see who is coming and what's going on as we get closer and closer to July!


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